Saturday, September 3, 2011

Busy Day

Yesterday morning Josh boarded a plane and headed off for Sao Paolo, Brazil.  This long-awaited nine day trip is part of his MBA program at UCI, and will finish off with a few days in Santiago, Chile, followed by a return flight home out of Peru on Sunday.

In his absence, I am working hard to keep Avery in her routine, and to keep her busy.  Today we went to my mom's house for a walk to the park and some fun in the pool.

And no trip to Shaffer Park is ever complete without looking over the wall to see the firetrucks.

And then Avery REALLY lucked out because the firemen got a call!

After the park, Avery cooled off in the pool. (And by "cooled off" I mean that we filled the pool with hot bath water and a tiny bit of hose water, so it was about 90 degrees in there).

Avery even got a little brave today and put her face in the water to blow bubbles!

And I will go ahead and pretend that she executed the bubble-blowing perfectly and flawlessly, like a mini-Olympic swimmer in the making, without inhaling any water whatsoever/choking violently/almost vomiting. (See? This peaceful picture is proof).

Avery giving our awesome day two thumbs way up!
(Or maybe she is singing "Where is Thumbkin." I'm not telling).

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