Saturday, September 17, 2011

Avery's First Dance Class (Take Two)

We arrived at Creation Station a few minutes early, and everything went swimmingly. Avery seemed to be the most excited kid in the waiting room.

Swimmingly that is, until we actually had to go into the dance class.

The majority of the 45-minute session was spent with me singing, twirling, and jumping with all the little girls while Avery watched from the corner.

My desperate attempts to get her to participate only resulted in me participating while she laid limp on my shoulder.

Josh's view from the waiting room window of Avery hiding in the corner:

The teacher, Miss Kristen, kept the class moving quickly, and would hand out different props to the kids (feathers, teddy bears, crowns, magic wands, etc). Avery figured out if she went to line up behind the red line by the prop room with the other girls, she would get a toy to play with.

And then she would return to her corner.

Although she was being shy, she didn't cry, and she seemed to actually like seeing the other little girls.  In fact, I think she even enjoyed part of the class (from the corner, of course):

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