Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Avery the Entertainer

This morning in the car, Avery said to me out of the blue, "Oh-oak." Normally when she says something I don't understand, I either repeat it back to her, or I just say, "Yeah! That's right," or "Good job Avery."  Usually that will satisfy her long enough for me to change the subject to "trucks" or "doggies."  But this morning she wouldn't let up:

Avery: Oh-oak.
Me: Yeah...
Avery: Oh-oak!
Me: Oh-oak?
Avery: Oh-oak!
Me: Yeah, oh-oak....
Avery: Oh-oak! Oh-oak!
Me: Oh-oak? ...........What is oh-oak?
Avery: Pih!
Me: Pig? ...... OH! YES! A pig says "Oink Oink!" Good job Avery! 

Although we have been working on her animal sounds, this was the first time I had heard her do the pig sound.  I could tell by the grin on her face that she was delighted to be understood.  I was smiling too, as I thought about how nice it is to finally be able to communicate with her, but also because I was amused by how happy we both were over her making a piggy sound. 

But the truth is, with her expanding vocabulary (and manipulation skills), she is becoming quite the entertainer. 

When Josh took Bo and Zac to the Angels game a couple weeks ago, Ludacris performed after the game, and of course sang his hit "Saturday."  The boys came home chanting his signature, "Oooh-OOOH!"  Naturally, Josh worked on teaching this to Avery (because it's appropriate to teach gangsta rap to toddlers, obviously), and before long she picked it up:

So a night or two later, I was rocking her to sleep in her room, with the lights out, singing Barney's "I Love You" like we do every night.  She had her head down on my shoulder atop her pile of monkeys and blankets (she now refuses to be rocked to sleep unless I am holding her along with TWO monkeys and TWO blankets), and in the middle of this peaceful moment, she popped her head up with her eyes wide open, and shouted, "Oooh-OOOOH!" right in my face.

I wish I could say that I successfully quieted and calmed her and swiftly lulled her to sleep.  But the real story is that I burst out laughing, and then she burst out laughing, and then she was totally wound up and kept doing the "Ooooh-OOOOH!" because she knew it would elicit endless giggles from Mommy (and from Daddy out in the living room).

Her other new favorite thing is Ring Around the Rosy. I guess one day I sang it, and jumped with her in a circle, and it was maybe a bad idea on my part because now that is all she ever wants to do.

It starts with a really sweet and pathetically sorrowful plea for "Rosy?":

And then this happens (Over. And Over. And Over):

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