Monday, August 29, 2011

Picnic & Dexter

Saturday was my annual company picnic (i.e. the one day I come home each year utterly exhausted, sweaty, drained, and sunburned).  I am in charge of organizing this 475-person event, and I will sum it up by saying that I was in bed at 7:30 pm. 

Josh and Avery made an appearance at the picnic before her naptime.

Avery taking a swing at the pinata (after taking a fall into the mud):

A fun but long and hot day!


Meet Dexter.

Dexter was found next to the 5 Freeway by a Caltrans worker when he was about two months old.  He was rescued and brought into the Orange Olive Veterinary Hospital, which is where we take Piper and Tyson for vet visits (and where we originally adopted them).  After his arrival, the staff at Orange Olive got him cleaned up, vaccinated, and nourished him back to the appropriate weight for his age (he weighed only 1.5 pounds when he was found, which is only about half of what he should have weighed for his age). They have been looking for a home for him for the past two months.

I walked into the hospital earlier this week to purchase a bag of cat food, and I happened to see this little guy in a cage next to the food shelf. He looked up at me and I put my fingers in to pet him, and then let him bat at my keys through the wires of his cage.  There are often kittens in the lobby that are up for adoption, and I try not to look at them because when Josh let me get the first two, it was under the condition that there would be no more pets in our house.  And of course I want to take home all the homeless animals in the entire world. 

But this little kitty looked so much like Piper, and something about his rescue story really tugged at my heartstrings, so I spent the remainder of the week begging Josh to let me breach my contract and take him home. "What's one more cat?"...... "He's tiny, you won't even notice him"......"Pleeeeeease"......"He has no home!" 

I even went so far as to have the vet staff send me a picture of "Angus" (as they had named him) so that I could continue to pester Josh at work via email.

By Friday, Josh had had enough of my whining, and he caved in.

So we now have a new furry member of our family.

And just for the record, Josh was scooping him up and kissing him and squeezing him within the first five minutes of getting home from work.

Avery loves him because he isn't as scared of her as he probably should be.  The other two cats do not share this love of Dexter, but they are getting there.
Hopefully soon we will all be one big happy family!

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