Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I got one of those calls today that every parent fears... and unfortunately I was having a very stressful day before the phone even rang. Lizzy called me around 9:30 am and said that Avery had tripped and hit her forehead on the leg of the dining room table, and had a knot on her head that was swelling up pretty big.  I happened to be on the freeway headed out to Brea to pick up a t-shirt order for the office, so in a tearful panic I called Josh and told him to go get Avery and take her to the hospital.  Then I realized I had her insurance card, so I told him to call me and tell me wherever he was going so I could meet him there.

He arrived at Lizzy's around 10, and I pulled up just a few minutes later.  I walked in to find Josh on the phone with the doctor's office, and Avery sitting on the couch next to Juan (Manuel). She looked up at me with a massive purple egg over her left eye, and said, "Bonk?" as she touched her head. I couldn't help but smile because her ever-expanding vocabulary never ceases to amaze and amuse me... "Bonk" was definitely an understatement for her discolored, grotesquely misshapen forehead. 
"Yes honey, you got a bonk...."

After 30 minutes of observation (we watched her point out Elmo and the other characters in a Sesame Street book, refuse to share keys with Madelyn, grab my cell phone and try to text people, etc), we determined that she was probably fine and that the bump looked worse than it actually was.  Lizzy said she had only cried for a couple of minutes, and after that she was back to her normal self, with no signs of concussion or excessive pain.  A call from the doctor confirmed that we were okay to leave her there and just have Lizzy watch it and call us if it got any worse. He also advised that we should keep her awake for a couple of hours before letting her nap, just as a precaution.  Lizzy is very good and already knew to do this, and she had told us that she would not let Avery sleep until at least two hours had passed.

I picked her up this evening in good spirits, still with a "bonk" on her head, but the swelling had gone down at least 75% from where it was this morning. 

Poor girl!  But she is doing fine... "Bonks" are just part of being a toddler!

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