Monday, August 8, 2011

Brandi, Bo & Zac's Visit Part 2

On Sunday Josh took everyone to Venice Beach, so Avery and I hung out at home together, since we couldn't all fit in one car and she needed to take a nap anyway.

When the gang arrived back home, Avery was very happy as she had been asking for "The Bo" and "Gac" the entire time they were gone. She spent some time playing catch with the boys before they took off to take an evening swim at the pool.

I took her over to the pool just for a few minutes before her bath so she could watch the boys swim. But of course she wanted to get into the pool when she saw them in the water. Next thing I knew I was thigh-deep in the pool holding onto her in her diaper.

This morning we slept in (Avery slept until almost 8:00!) and then hung out at home again until her nap was over.

At 2:00 we ventured to the Santa Ana Zoo.

Avery was marginally more interested in the animals this time than she was last time. 
She spent most of the day running from us, and pushing the stroller.

There was some added excitement when Grandma showed up!

Brandi and I had one goal today... To get a frame-worthy photo of the "cousins" for Boompa and Sheila.  After taking many like this:

We were finally able to get a couple like this:

Stay tuned tomorrow for our trip to Laguna Beach!

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