Saturday, August 6, 2011

Brandi, Bo & Zac's Visit Part 1

Avery's Auntie Brandi and her cousins Bo and Zac arrived on
Thursday night for a weeklong visit! 
The last time Avery saw them, she looked like this:

 We have been showing Avery pictures of them for months and trying to teach her to say their names. When she first saw them on Thursday, she became very shy and quiet. 
Brandi sat down on the floor to play with her, and the boys followed.

When any of them would try to talk to her, she would start to smile but then become overwhelmed by shyness and close her eyes to "hide."

On Friday she warmed up, and by this morning she was in the kitchen at 7:15 am, anxiously awaiting their descent from the upstairs loft!

After breakfast and a little time spent playing the Wii,
we took a walk up to Canyon Rim Park...

...Where an intense game of basketball ensued!

Before we left the park we tried to get a nice picture of the three cousins together.

But unfortunately only two out of the three were being cooperative. 
The other one was in need of a nap and refused to participate.

Stay tuned for more fun adventures this week!

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